Which Cheese is Healthier?

Cheese is processed food but, it is also a good source of calcium and protein. Along with those benefits come the negatives such as high cholesterol, saturated fat and sodium. Cheese is a main staple for a lot of people and a food of choice for children, so it is important to know the nutritional information of each cheese to make healthy choices.

Below is a table of 18 different cheeses and their corresponding data. A comparison of 100 g (3.5 oz) of each is given. These numbers are courtesy of Skip the Pie search engine. There are other ways to introduce calcium and protein in your diet that does not have to be diary based, but if you insist on eating cheese, it’s important to know the facts so you can practice portion control.

Comparison Of 100 grams of 18 Cheeses (courtesy of Skip the Pie search engine)

Cheddar, low fat32g2289g6g28mg808mg55%
Mozzarella, whole milk, low moisture22g31825g16g89mg415mg57%
Mozzarella, low sodium36g37023g14g71mg21mg96%
Mozzarella, nonfat36g1590g0g20mg840mg109%
Parmesan, shredded37g41527g17g72mg1696mg74%
Parmesan, reduced fat20g26520g13g88mg1529mg111%
Parmesan, low sodium42g45130g19g79mg63mg138%
Blue Cheese21g35329g19g75mg1395mg53%
Cream Cheese6g34234g19g110mg321mg10%
Cottage Cheese
1% milkfat
Goat Cheese, hard9g12810g7g30mg98mg25%
Goat Cheese, soft5g766g4g13mg105mg4%

These numbers are meant as a guide. Check your individual packages for nutritional information. It appears the overall healthier choices are cottage cheese and soft goat cheese with low fat mozzarella as a viable option. Some low sodium cheese appear to still have high cholesterol while other low fat cheeses have high sodium content. It’s important that people age 50 and older keep their daily sodium intake to 1500 mg or less. The same goes for those with hypertension (high blood pressure). Use this table as a guide to make better choices and keep the consumption of cheese in your diet to a minimum.







Bernice Taylor

I share my passion in furthering the overall well-being of people 50 and older (any age can still apply a lot of the information). I do this through sharing health tips, healthy recipes, episodes of my life as a kidney donor and funny stories with my daughter.

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