Do This FUN HIIT LOW IMPACT Workout For Beginners With Bernice Taylor #therealbernicetaylor (YouTube LIVE)

In the YouTube LIVE video, that aired September 24 2022, Bernice goes through her signature beginner low impact HIIT workouts. She also adds specific workouts for the arms and legs. She shows modified seated exercises of the workouts presented. Beginners and those who need modifications will find these workouts helpful. You will be surprised how fast your heart rate is elevated. The amount of energy expended will give an awesome workout!

Follow Bernice on TikTok, Instagram, FaceBook and Pinterest for daily exercises with modifications.

Bernice Taylor

I share my passion in furthering the overall well-being of people 50 and older (any age can still apply a lot of the information). I do this through sharing health tips, healthy recipes, episodes of my life as a kidney donor and funny stories with my daughter.

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