ankle weights


STOP RUNNING WITH ANKLE WEIGHTS! That seems like a bold statement, but one that can potentially prevent injury. This post will address the incorrect ways people use ankle weights and provide the correct and beneficial ways to use this valuable addition to your workouts.

Here are a list of ways people use ankle weights incorrectly, and why you should change that practice.

  • Walking briskly with ankle weights
  • Running with ankle weights
  • Jumping with ankle weights

According to Dr Edward Laskowski of the Mayo Clinic, even though ankle weights can increase the energy you burn while performing the above workouts, they could potentially overexert the ankle joint and leg muscles which could increase the risk of injury. Click here to read the article.

Do away with the ankle weights during these workouts.

If you can’t use them for running, walking briskly or jumping then how are they beneficial?

Wearable ankle weights are great for exercises that target the leg and hip muscles when doing leg lifts, as reported in an article by Dr. Downey in the Harvard Health publication. 

I have found this to be incredibly useful as a woman over 50, who needs to stimulate bone density.

The video below shows the beneficial ways to utilize ankle weights.


Ankle weights may cause injuries when used for brisk walking, running or jumping.

There is, however, correct usage that gives benefit to your legs and hips and is valuable for all ages.

Do you use ankle weights? If not, will you start using them? Leave your comments below.

The ankle weights I use and recommend are the Henkelion brand. I like these because the weights are adjustable from 1 to 5 pounds on each leg. If you get these and use them, be sure to come back and leave a comment to help others. Thank you.

Bernice Taylor

I share my passion in furthering the overall well-being of people 50 and older (any age can still apply a lot of the information). I do this through sharing health tips, healthy recipes, episodes of my life as a kidney donor and funny stories with my daughter.

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